Welcome Matt!
Welcome Matt Callahan, AKFIN’s newest analyst! Matt recently earned a M.S. in Fisheries from the University of Alaska Fairbanks College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences conducting research investigating growth, energy storage, and diet of juvenile sablefish (the noblest groundfish). Matt will be working in Juneau supporting stock assessors and other AKFIN users at the Alaska Fisheries Science Center. He is currently working on documentation for a FIN data integration project that links sea surface temperature with vessel monitoring systems position data.
Matt grew up in Juneau, AK where he developed an interest in nature, which he pursued earning a B.A in Biology at the University of Montana. He later worked as a research technician at the Spatial Ecosystem Analysis Lab at University of Alaska Southeast studying climate driven environmental patterns, and at NOAA’s Auke Bay Lab studying fish bioenergetics and condition indices. His hobbies include skiing, climbing, trail running, board games, and spending time with his wife and dog.